Access Management
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3. Create a Basic Client

🌟 Key Concept: A Client is an application that can request Resources from the Resource Server. Client requests can be made either on behalf of an end user or directly from the Client itself.

This example setup demonstrates how to create a basic Client using the IDENTOS Authorization Server.

TODO: Add overview diagram with step emphasized.

This setup will... TODO: Introduce example.


  • This setup has no prerequisites.

Step-by-Step Setup

To create a Client in the Authorization Server, we'll need to:

  1. Define the Client as an OAuth 2.0 client in the Authorization Server.

For our example, we'll assume that the hospital's Blood Glucose App already exists at a known URI. In an actual authorization flow, this Client would already hold the authorization keys necessary for accessing the Resource Server.

For a full explanation of each operation and its parameters, see Create a Client.


Define the Client as an OAuth 2.0 Client

Run the Admin API call below to define the blood-glucose-app Client located at as an OAuth 2.0 client in the Authorization Server's oauth-client-metadata and oauth-client databases.

Since this will be the second OAuth client in our Authorization Server, the blood-glucose-app will be id = 2 in both databases.



View the Client (Optional)

Now check to see if the Client exists.


Next Steps

✅ You just created a basic Client in the Authorization Server!

  • Next step: Proceed to 4. Get an Access Token to learn how to create and grant an Access Token to the Client you created.
  • Learn more: Read the Create a Client guide to learn more about creating and managing Clients in the Authorization Server.